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Frequently Asked Questions About Water Leak Detection
How To Get The Best from Sewerin Water Leak Locators

Take a look at the questions below. They may provide you with some of the answers about our water leak location tools or assist you to  locate water leaks. Of course, if you don't find the answer to your question please feel free to Contact Us. Please click on the question to reveal or hide the answer.

Q: I have a water leak in my house, under a concrete floor. If I purchase your water leak location equipment will it help me to find a water leak?

Answer: None of our equipment finds water leaks! That may sound like a strange statement to be made by a company that manufactures water leak location tools, but it is accurate. The majority of Sewerin water leak location equipment works on the principal of amplifying noise. The instruments themselves do not treat the noise from a water leak any differently to a dog barking, it's all noise. (they do offer some useful features which can make the work a bit easier) but it requires input from the user to make sure the results are interpreted correctly. Whilst our water leak location equipment is intuitive to use, experience and knowledge of plumbing does help; the more you use Sewerin water leak location equipment the better you get. Ask yourself this question: "Am I the type of person who would buy an entire set of tools to repair my car for a one off job or would I be better going to an expert mechanic?". If your answer is that you would buy the tool kit then you are probably someone who would want to purchase Sewerin water leak location instruments.
If your answer is that buying an entire tool kit would be cost prohibitive and it would be more efficient to take your car to the mechanic then you might be better advised to employ the services of a company that locates leaks rather than buying water leak location tools.

Q: I am a plumber looking for water leaks in domestic properties; what water leak location equipment would be best for me?

Answer: Electro-acoustic leak detection using a ground microphone is one of the quickest ways to locate a water leak. Take a look at the Aquaphon A200 which amplifes the noise produced by the leaking water pipe that is under pressure.
The Variotec 460 Tracer gas device will also be of benefit; this finds water leaks by replacing the water with a tracer gas (a safe mixture of 5% hydrogen and 95% nitrogen) which then escapes from the leak rising to the surface where it is detected by a very sensitive gas detector.

Q: I am on a very tight budget and am looking for the most economical detector I can to locate water leaks electro acoustically. What would you suggest?

Answer: The Stethophon 04 SDR is an ideal cost effective solution to locating water leaks electroacoustically. The performance/price point is unparalleled.

Q: I am a plumber trying to locate a water leak under a very expensive floor surface which will cost a lot to reinstate. What instruments do you sell that will help me pinpoint the water leak?

Answer: The Variotec 460 tracer gas unit has proved itself to be very useful in pinpointing the position of water leaks both inside and outside houses.

Q: I have a water leak in an under floor central heating system. Do you have an underfloor heating leak locator that help me locate the leak?

Answer: Yes, try the Variotec 460 Tracer Gas using Hydrogen and Nitrogen. You replace the water with the non toxic, non flammable gas; the gas escapes from the leak and is detected by a highly sensitive gas detector.

Q: I have a water leak in a sealed central heating system. Do you have a central heating sytem water leak locator that can help me trace the leak?

Answer: Yes, try the Variotec 460 Tracer Gas using Hydrogen and Nitrogen. The water in the heating system is drained down and replaced with the tracer gas; the gas exits from the leak and is detected by a highly sensitive gas detector on the surface.

Q: I have a leak in my boiler. Do you have a leak locator that can find it?

Answer: Yes, the Variotec 460 Tracer Gas using Hydrogen and Nitrogen

Q: I am looking for water leaks in water distribution networks and I need to identify areas of interest (pre-location) I should focus on, what equipment do you have to assist me?

Answer: Take a look at our SePem 01 noise loggers which pre-locate areas of interest. You place them out in the network overnight. The SePem 01 records the "quietest noise" during the night. If there are areas of higher than expected noise you know where to concentrate your water leak location efforts

Q: I currently use a mechanical listening stick to find water leaks. I have now realised that with more PVC pipes being installed and water leaks becoming more difficult to hear I need something more sensitive than a piece of wood and metal. I would like to try an electro-acoustic device. What electro-acoustic water leak locator would you suggest?

Answer: This problem is becoming more prevalent. Try the Aquatest T10. It has been designed to find leaks in water leak networks by listening at valves and other listening points ("valve bashing"). It uses wireless digital headphones giving excellent freedom of movement and is rechargeable for a full day’s work.

Q: I am trying to pinpoint water leaks in water distribution networks, what equipment would be best for me?

Answer: We have two water leak correlators you should look at: The portable SeCorrPhon AC 06 and the professional PC correlator SeCorr 300. You can also use the electroacoustic ground microphone Aquaphon A100.

Q: I am trying to find a leak in a plastic or PVC pipe and my standard correlator is not up to it, what do you recommend?

Answer: Finding water leaks in non-metallic pipes is always difficult as the higher frequency noises from the water leak are restricted by the nature of the material. The best solution is to use Hydrophones. Hydrophones listen in to the water leak noise by interfacing directly with the water column. Take a look at the SeCorrPhon AC 06 correlator with hydrophones or if you want the best solution, the PC based SeCorr 300, particularly useful for finding water leaks in trunk mains and larger diamater water pipes. This correlator has special mics which work well at low frequencies and also offers the option of hydrophones.

Q: I am not sure if I should buy a correlator or a ground microphone to find water leaks, can you suggest anything?

Answer: Yes. The SeCorrPhon AC 06. This instrument for finding water leaks is both a correlator and a ground microphone. You can correlate on a water pipe and then top sound to confirm the leak’s position or use it purely as a ground microphone.

Q: I am looking for a way of finding water leaks between the meter box in the pavement and the stop cock inside the house (customer side leakage), what do you recommend?

Answer: The Variotec 460 Tracer Gas unit has proved itself to be very useful in pinpointing the position of leaks inside houses as well as outside on customer side leakage. It uses a non toxic non flammable hydrogen nitrogen mix tracer gas inserted into the pipe to pinpoint the water leak's position.